Do you know what it takes to transform your health and live a natural toxic free life?
Join me on my journey of endless research towards Your Best Health. You will find information on Real Unprocessed Food, Alternative Medicine, Natural Homemade Beauty, How to Raise a Healthy Child and much more.
I hope the information you find on this blog transforms your life and brings you to a Real Wellness.
About seven years ago I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease. The news was shocking to me since I had always been a healthy, fit person with no family history of any diseases. With my busy schedule going to school and working, I really did not have time to dig deep into the all the whys and hows of my disease. I just wanted to get it under control. So, I entrusted my well being to my doctor’s judgement (which basically consisted of prescribing medication). For several years following the initial diagnosis I’ve had issues with weight, which, I couldn’t phantom because I always ate healthy (meaning no junk food) and exercised religiously. Additionally, getting a severe headache or migraine became a part of my life. However, getting pregnant and giving birth to my son pushed me to take control of my health and get to the roots of the problem. Endless research and analyzing scientific studies lead me to the solution of my health problem. I realized I could cure my disease by eating a unprocessed, Gluten Free, Grain Free Diet. Within several weeks I noticed that my constant headaches went away and I started loosing weight. It’s been a year, I’ve lost 25 pounds and my Thyroid Disease is under control. Through eating only unprocessed, natural food I was able to achieve my best health yet.
I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience with others. After all, people like me shared their experiences and their life stories which helped me reach my health goals.
My Healing Agenda consists of Paleo Diet and Weston A. Price principles for Wise Traditions in Food and Healing Arts. I switched from conventional to natural homemade products which include cleaning supplies, beauty products, and alternative medicine.
All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.
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I work with the Amish quite a bit. And though some of your comments are true. Not all are true. They are actually a very sick people. Their woman have as many children as they can and they intermarry terribly thus they have diseases most people never heard of.
I was wondering where I could find the article on remineralizing teeth with eggshells on the govmed site. I looked at the site that was mentioned, but could not reference it. Any help would be appreciative.
Thanks, Mary