As women we search far and hard for ways to make ourselves look better and most of all, younger. You have probably heard the expression beauty is in the eye of the beholder and us being the beholders, often look for ways to refine that beauty. Getting older comes with more personal upkeep, especially keeping up with aging skin. If you’ve passed your 30th birthday, and you may have started noticing little wrinkles here and there. Most women at that point start contemplating getting botox or even a facelift. It gets expensive and damages your health. I will tell you a secret, you can achieve similar results at home with just a few ingredients. The key is, though, consistency.
How to make the most effective natural face lift mask at home:
(You will only need 3 ingredients)
1 tablespoon dry organic coffee grounds
1 tablespoon organic raw honey
1/2 tablespoon whole milk yogurt or kefir
Mix together to make a paste.
Apply to your clean face and neck
Let the mask dry (10-15 minutes)
Rinse with warm water.
The unique properties of the coffee mask
Coffee is used to purify, close the pores, and acts as an exfoliate. It is a natural vasodilator which opens and expands the blood vessels thus firming up the skin. Coffee contains significant amounts of antioxidants which fight free radicals and help to protect against cell damage. Honey is a great moisturizer that helps smooth out the appearance of wrinkles. This mask will increase the circulation to your skin, firm it and help get rid of wrinkles.

You can use this mask twice a week. Let me know if it worked for you!
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