The Ultimate Guide to Paleo Diet

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It’s not a secret that the food we eat daily has a big impact on how we feel and look. Nutritionally insufficient food leaves a negative impact on our health, and food rich in all essential substances makes a positive contribution to our health… from the inside out. Perhaps, you have already heard and read about the Paleo diet in books and magazines (where you often hear enthusiastic reviews from people who adhere to it). So what is a Paleo diet and why is it so effective?       

So What is a Paleo Diet?

A Paleo diet, also known as paleolithic diet or caveman diet, essentially brings us back to the origins… to the way of prehistoric men. The Paleo diet is based on natural and whole foods, which were the basis of our ancestors diet. Foods such as fish, meat, nuts, fruits and vegetables  – these are all components of the Paleo diet. The human race was thriving on this diet high in animal fat and proteins and low in carbohydrates, but things changed when we introduced unnatural foods to our bodies. This approach aspires us to go back to our beginnings and create a diet based on natural unprocessed food.

                                              Paleo Diet Attributes
The Paleo diet excludes processed, packaged or canned products. The Paleo diet also excludes different kinds of empty calories or junk food. All of these factors are ideal for weight loss, and above all, these habits promote a healthy way of life. The Paleo diet is a high-protein diet; thus, increased consumption of protein will help maintain your metabolism at a high level and suppress your appetite . Also, this diet is ideal for building and maintaining muscle mass. So, if you combine the Paleo diet and bodybuilding, then you will receive all the necessary nutrients for muscle growth and recovery.

The Paleo diet focuses on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, thus, providing you with more antioxidants, important vitamins and minerals.

By consuming nuts and fish, you will increase the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to fat burning and weight loss.

The Paleo diet is also a diet low in carbohydrates. This approach will allow you to maintain your body in shape. Following this diet, you won’t need to count calories.

Therefore, the Paleo diet will help you to significantly reduce the consumption of preservatives and other chemicals that have a negative impact on our health. If possible, choose organic produce; it will reduce the consumption of potentially hazardous pesticides, and bring you closer to the diet of the Paleolithic era.

The Paleo diet is one of the most natural and nutrient-rich diets. It will help you loose weight, maintain an excellent shape, and above all, live a healthier life.

The Paleo Pyramid

Paleo Diet includes a wide variety of foods that are high in vitamins and minerals:

  • Meat – (Beef, lamb, veal, sheep, goat, rabbit, etc.)
  • Organ meats – (liver, kidney, heart, brain, etc)
  • Poultry  – (Chicken, turkey, ostrich, duck, goose, quail, etc.)
  • Wild Caught Fish (Salmon, trout, tuna, tilapia, mackerel, halibut, sole, cod, herring, anchovy, turbot, etc.)
  • Shellfish – (Clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, etc.)
  • Eggs – (Chicken eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs, goose eggs etc.)
  • Vegetables – (Onions, celery, leeks, eggplants, green onions,tomatoes, broccoli, cucumber, asparagus, brussels sprouts, squash, artichokes, okra,etc.)
  • Root vegetables – (Sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, carrots, radish, yams, etc.)
  • Fruits – (Apple, orange, banana,  berries, peaches, grapes, kiwi fruit, pears, pineapple, papaya, mango, persimmons, lime, tangerines, watermelon, lychees, melon, etc.)
  • Leafy green vegetables – (spinach, kale, swiss chard, arugula, bok choy, mustard green, beet tops etc.)
  • Nuts and Seeds – ( Brazil, pistachios,  pumpkin,  almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, macadamia nuts, chestnuts, cashews,sunflower seeds, etc.)
  • Mushrooms – (Button, oyster, shiitake, porcine, morel, etc.)
  • Fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, etc.)
  • Fresh and Dried Herbs (Chives,  oregano, sage, rosemary, thyme, dill, mint, lavender, coriander, parsley, etc.)
  • Spices/Natural Flavor Enhancers – (Onions, garlic, black pepper, ginger, hot peppers, mustard seeds, cumin, vanilla, cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg,etc.)

Foods to be avoided:

  • Grains (wheat, rye,  oats, barley, brown rice, etc)
  • Legumes (peanuts, soy beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, etc)
  • Vegetable seed oils (peanut oil, corn oil, soybean oil, canola oil, etc.)
  • Processed foods
  • Artificial sweeteners and preservatives
  • Sources of dairy high in protein and sugar
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