Talcum powder is Linked to Ovarian Cancer. Shocking Reasons to Stop Using It Immediately

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You have probably used talcum powder or other talc powder containing products. Talc is used in many  industries. Talcum powder is a popular choice for many women who use it daily for feminine hygiene. Yet this trusted household product may be responsible for causing a serious and deadly form of ovarian cancer in thousands of women each year.

However, it appears that talcum powder may cause significant lung damage (or even lung cancer) if inhaled, in addition to, increasing the risk for ovarian cancer. However,despite these apparent risks, the FDA has still not pulled this product from the market or forced manufacturers to place more comprehensive warning labels informing consumers about the possible health risks related to the usage of talcum containing products.
In one study done in 1971 researchers found particles of talc in 75 percent of the ovarian tumors they studied. In another study done by 19 scientists in 8 different countries, research showed that there is a 30-60 percent increased risk of ovarian cancer if talc is used in the genital area. Study after study for the last 50 years shows that talc is dangerous.

Evidence Supporting Talc’s Possible Health Risks
  • Research suggests that talcum powder can contribute to cancer in the ovaries if particles enter the body through the vagina. One review of data reported in the medical journal Cancer Prevention Research indicated that women who regularly use talc-based powder for feminine hygiene might increase their risk of ovarian cancer by about 41 percent.
  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, baby powder is no longer recommended for treatment or prevention of diaper rash (relates to risks for damage to the baby’s lungs).
  • Proposed label from Cancer Prevention Coalition for all Talc Products: “Frequent application of talcum powder in the female genital area substantially increases the risk of ovarian cancer,” http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/petition-seeking-a-cancer-warning-on-cosmetic-talc-powder-products-57264457.html .
  • Current warning label from Johnson’s Baby Powder: “Warnings: For external use only. Keep out of reach of children. Close tightly after use. Do not use on broken skin. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep powder away from child’s face to avoid inhalation, which can cause breathing problems.” 
  • Exert from MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) on Talc U.S.P http://www.hvchemical.com/msds/talc.htm (Important to note that talc also contains small amounts of Crystalline silica which may cause serious health consequences of its own http://www.osha.gov/OshDoc/data_General_Facts/crystalline-factsheet.pdf ). “Prolonged inhalation of dust is associated with respiratory effects. Long term excessive exposures to talc may cause Talcosis, a pulmonary fibrosis which may in turn lead to severe and permanent damage to the lung. Crystalline silica: Chronic inhalation of dust can produce silicosis, a disease of the lungs. Cardiopulmonary impairment may occur. Chronic inhalation of crystalline silica is a lung cancer hazard. ” 
  • Talc has been implicated in many reports of lung irritation, respiratory distress, respiratory failure and even death upon inhalation http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/43/6/1058.abstract,  http://www.ijponline.net/content/37/1/47 , http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002719.htm .
  • Many warnings and reports suggesting increased risk of ovarian cancers when talcum powder is applied to the genital area http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20406962 .
  • Talc is closely related to the known carcinogen asbestos http://www.preventcancer.com/consumers/cosmetics/talc.htm .


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  1. I started using cornstarch many years ago when my children were babies because even in the 80s & 90s the inherent risks were known. I love powder after a shower and use arrowroot mixed with lavender oil.

    • Hi Jennifer! Thank you for sharing! Adding lavender oil is a great idea!

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