The Most Effective Kitchen Herbs To Use For Common Illnesses

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Everyone knows how beneficial fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts are as they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.  However, few people know about the medicinal properties of herbs and plants. They can restore and support your health!

The Most Effective Kitchen Herbs To Use For Common Illnesses


A enticing aroma often appears in the kitchen when a handful of herbs is added to food. This fragrance promotes the secretion of saliva, which, prepares the stomach to receive the food. Enzymes contained in saliva, begin the digestive process by helping the body break down fats and starches. If this does not happen to the food by the time it reaches the stomach, it will not be properly digested resulting in digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and flatulence.

Herbs to use: thyme, rosemary, oregano, mint


Anti-CANCER Properties

Many plants contain flavonoids which are known for their anti-cancer qualities, as well as their cardiovascular ones. American scientists have shown that flavonoids help vitamins to be absorbed and also work successfully as an antioxidant (neutralizing free radicals that contribute to the development of cancer).

Herbs to use: onion, rosemary, sage, thyme, chamomile, dandelion, Ginkgo, green tea.

Some plants contain terpenoids, potential antioxidants, which are known for the ability to hamper the development of tumors.
Herbs to use: cumin, curly mint, dill, coriander, lavender, rosemary, sage, thyme, lemon grass, chamomile, Basil, rosemary, mint, cardamom seeds, celery, fennel, pepper mint.


Research has shown that many herbs have antiseptic properties. Historians assert that before the invention of refrigerators, cold meat was kept in cellars, wrapped in fresh sage leaves, which helped preserve it.  After hunting, fresh meat was hung with bundles of thyme, so that the meat was more tender. Thyme is used not only to give the meat flavor, but also for the sake of its antiseptic properties.
Herbs to use: thyme, sage, rosemary and Bay leaf


Herbs also possess anti-inflammatory properties. They include onion, rosemary, sage, thyme, chamomile, dandelion, Ginkgo, green tea. Garlic is very beneficial for your immune system, as it stimulates the cells which attack infection.


Garlic, like onions, usually is not considered an herb, however, studies have shown that garlic helps prevent  heart attacks as it reduces levels of cholesterol.

Herbs to use: garlic

Some herbs contain anthocyanin- pigment responsible for the red, pink, purple or blue colors of some flowers and fruits. Aanthocyanin also reduces levels of harmful cholesterol , thus, provides protection against several heart diseases.


Many herbs are known for their medicinal properties. For example, it is very beneficial to keep aloe at hand in case of burns.

Other herbs to use:

Chamomile from insomnia;
Dill and pepper mint from digestive disorders;
Elder flowers from colds;
Lemon balm from the tension and headaches ( I use this one – here)
Rosemary to improve concentration and bad breath.

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