Is Lead in Your Lipstick Making You Sick?

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Is Lead in Your Lipstick Making You Sick?

A recent study has showed a disturbing report that over 55 percent of all lipsticks contain trace amounts of lead.   Unfortunately, no matter how bad it sounds –  it’s not illegal for beauty companies to use lead since there is no federal lead limit for cosmetics.  “The industry creates its own standards and they have been abiding by them pretty regularly,” Roy Lamothe, UL’s general manager, North America, told “GMA.”  Even though the FDA considers a small amount of lead in lipstick safe, mounting evidence begs the difference.

Is Lead in Your Lipstick Making You Sick?  Impact of Lead Poisoning

  • Behavioral Problems: Aggression, violence, hostility, anti-social or delinquent behavior, attention problems, restlessness, irritability.  “What we know now is that even the lowest levels of lead can harm your IQ, your behavior, your ability to learn, so we want to make sure that it is out of everything that is in the environment of children,” Dr. Sean Palfrey, medical director for the Boston Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.
  • Nervous System: Alters function of a developing brain, brain disease, convulsions, cerebral palsy, proprioreceptive pathways involved in balance altered, slowed nerve conduction, dizziness, decreased reaction time, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, tremor, numbness, foot/ hand drop
  • Growth & development: Delayed neurodevelopment in sitting up, walking, talking, stature and growth rate reduction, osteoporosis in later years, impaired pituitary-thyroid endocrine system. Activists warn that a pregnant woman wearing lead containing lipstick can pass lead to her baby internally.
  • Hearing/Sight Impairment
  • Cardiovascular Function: Hypertension, elevated blood pressure, cardio-toxic effects, coronary artery disease, anemia,
  • increased risk of early death from heart attack or stroke
  • Other Problems: Kidney disorders, bone, muscle, and joint dysfunctions, headaches, adrenal fatigue, paralysis, difficulty sleeping, aches and pains, cell damage, effects on gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain, cramps.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to avoid all the dangerous chemicals in our everyday products but it’s possible. Try to go for natural, safe choices such as Primitive Makeup — all natural cosmetics made entirely of pure, clean ingredients — no preservatives, no artificial color, no synthetics, and is PARABEN-FREE.

100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Lip Glaze – Cabernet

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